
So we fucked up- BIG SHOCKER! Just kidding, not a surprise at all for me. The Hubs talked me into buying a volcano (a vaporizer for weed) because it uses less and so the theory is that it will save us money in the long run. We got into a pretty big fight about it. I always say things like “if I ever want to not be a stoner we will have to get divorced” which I don’t know if it is true or not but… so far we haven’t been able to support each other quitting and we act as enablers for each other. The hubs doesn’t like dealing with me being in a bad mood, he would rather us just smoke. But that doesn’t solve anything. Anyways so that’s where we are with that, hoping to vape about 0.8-1 gram/ day.

The nicotine thing has been substantially easier. I only think about it when I have my 15 min breaks at work and when I am leaving work, so that is REALLY nice. I even drank on the weekend and didn’t cave into smoking. It also helped that no one I was around was a smoker, I don’t think I would of been as strong if there were.

So onto talking about the vegan transition. I am extremely annoyed with the comments and judgments that come along with eating vegan I have experienced so far. A little background, I work in hospitality in a pretty upscale corporate law firm. We have TONS of food coming through our department everyday, along with treats and goodies that people bring in often. So for peoples birthdays we usually have a cupcake party for them and my boss proceeds to tell me before we go that she thinks I should eat a cupcake and that she believes that you shouldn’t deprive yourself. Um, excuse me? Deprive myself of a cupcake!? How about people shouldn’t be eating crap filled with sugar and diary and depriving themselves of good nutritional food that they could be eating instead? If I were recovering from an eating disorder, or not eating enough food then maybe I could see her concern…but I’m not, at all. For example I have found a new love for vegan cooking and have a full meal in the fridge right now and about 5 different snacks I can eat throughout the day. My husband and I also got into a fight about dairy this past weekend. He thinks there are humane ways of farming dairy and I disagree. I just don’t think that my choosing to not eat something should cause anyone alarm. It really doesn’t effect them, besides the ol man. He actually is enjoying the fact that I like cooking now and he really likes the food I have been making. I have also told him multiple times that if he wants to buy something, go for it. I am not holding anyone accountable to my diet except myself. What throws me for a loop is if an overweight person cheats on their diet, most likely no one will call them out on it or ask them why they are cheating. The minute someone gives up animal products and is eating healthy its like WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT DOES THAT PERSON THINK THEY ARE DOING? I MUST QUESTION AND CHALLENGE THEIR MOTIVES. So I think I am going to try to put it into that perspective next time and see if that works, flip it back on them. Wish me luck!


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