Sunday Vibes

Good morning!

Well this weekend stared off pretty shit, but it turned itself around! Friday I called in sick to work, I had to, I needed a mental health day. The group I work with are all a bunch of immature catty women who seem to be stuck in the high school mentality. I find it hard to deal with because I never associated myself with the gossip and drama in high school, my best friend and I always did our own thing (sit in our car in the parking lot smoking weed) and generally avoided all of that. At work, I work in such a small group of 4 that we are always in each others space and business. Because I am such a chill and passive person, I tend to stay out of the conflict, but am always the one everyone comes to talk to and vent about everyone else. For example the receptionist stayed past her time to go home by 20 mins 3 times this week to bitch about everyone to me. I obviously need to just tell them to leave me out of it but somehow I get sucked in and can’t seem to say what I need to say to protect my energy and mental health. I feel like they are sucking the energy/ soul right out of my body every day.

So anyways, on friday I dropped my phone on the ground and shattered the screen into pieces. Karma for calling in sick and not really being sick? So I went to the mall to get the screen fixed and OF COURSE right beside the place is Cinnzeo (most delicious cinnamon buns ever in the entire world) the scent wafting over to me and penetrating my soul. So I fucked up and bought one and ate it and enjoyed every second of it. WOOPS! That was my first big fail of this vegan eating challenge. That is going to be the hard part for me, the tasty treats. Meat is so easy for me to avoid eating, so far dairy has been easy too…but the baked goods are whats going to get me. So I went to the grocery store and stocked up on so much food and treats that I am going to spend the rest of the day making recipes for the week. I have found this new love for cooking and it is shocking to me because this is coming from a person who HATED cooking. I think cooking meat had a huge part in that but also just trying random recipes from the internet all the time and them not turning out. I found these vegan cook books and I am in love..IN LOVE! I am going to link them below for you to check out, also check out the recipes on the authors blogs as well!

Oh She Glows- Angela Liddon *little bonus she is also Canadian!
Thug Kitchen
Minimalist Baker- Dana Shultz

I will start posting some of my favourite recipes that we make! I am excited to dedicate part of my weekend to food prepping, and picking out what we are going to nourish our bodies with all week! It’s starting to be my new passion 🙂 Happy Sunday!


PS- I haven’t thought about Nicotine all weekend!